Gold Grain Management Software

  • Suitable for grain traders & merchants
  • Built on 30+ years of R&D
  • Developed in collaboration with grain traders
  • Processes 50% of harvested grain in the UK
  • Trusted by 70% of UK regional grain traders
Gold Grain Software Pack

Key Features

From commodity and raw material procurement to analysis, stock and sales, merchandising, and distribution, Gold Grain’s feature-rich and user-friendly functionality enables improved business performance by increasing the consistency of quality, reducing risk, and ensuring accuracy.

  • Trading & Risk Management

    Trading & Risk Management

    Effective tools for managing your contracts with trader authorisation and audit

  • Logistics


    Freight planning and execution, communication and financial control

  • Laboratory


    Harvest and store sample analysis, quality control for intake and despatch

  • Claim


    Claims processing and communications

  • Pool Commitments

    Pool Commitments

    Pool commitment management and execution

  • Position


    Real time visibility of contract position and inventory

  • Pre-Payment


    Purchase and sale pre-payment function

  • Shipping


    Shipment and vessel recording with proforma and commercial invoicing

  • Storage


    Inventory management with enquiry, quality analysis and traceability

Gold Grain Modules

Each grain trading business presents its own set of distinct challenges. At Primetics, we provide a series of ‘modules,’ or add-ons, that enhance the capabilities of your Gold Grain software to meet the particular demands of your business. Take a look at a few of the modules we provide and contact us to learn more about those we believe could be a good fit alongside your Gold Grain software.

  • DocStore

    A fully integrated solution that provides efficient electronic handling of all the business-critical documents that your business manages. Save your business money, time and space with DocStore.

  • Document Transmission Preferences

    Document Transmission Preferences (DTP) transforms the way information is made available to your customers. It also allows you to brand documents on a product or site-specific basis so that customer facing documents reflect your business identity.

  • Web CRM

    Web CRM consolidates all of your important customer and prospect data from various Primetics systems into a single, unified view. It enables your business to fully understand and manage its most important partnerships.

  • Workflow

    Workflow provides a valuable workflow capability for delivering warnings, messages, controls, reporting, and process exceptions. Important activity in your organisation can be controlled and improved with fast and efficient event triggers related to your data entry points, minimising risks and costly errors with the need for retrospective enquiry.

Request Module Information

Gold Grain Software FAQ

  • What is Gold Grain Software?

    Gold Grain is a grain management software developed specifically for grain traders and merchants over more than 30 years of collaboration with grain businesses. It provides a set of industry-specific features that allow it to operate across the entire range of trading functions, from single-site businesses to national multi-site enterprises.

  • Who is Gold Grain software suitable for?

    Gold Grain management software was created for grain traders and merchants. The system is highly configurable and suitable for both single and multi-site businesses. It is trusted by 70% of UK regional grain traders and processes 50% of grain harvested in the UK.

  • How is Gold Grain Software different from other ERP software?

    Gold Grain was created for and in collaboration with grain companies. As a result, a powerful system has been created that, due to its industry-specific functionality, has the potential to truly transform grain business processes. This is a claim that generic ERP system providers cannot make.

  • How does Gold Grain software help grain traders & merchants?

    Contract management, freight planning, harvest and store sample analysis, claims processing, grain marketing, pool commitment management, storage, shipping, and much more are all available through Gold Grain. Our customer North Herts Farmers can now conduct sample lab reports in less than 10 minutes, thanks to Gold Grain.

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